Thursday, July 19, 2007

Situation number three is the one that no one seizes and is often dismissed as fate...

So I have about 40 minutes to spend in the office before I run off and enjoy my Thursday night...Well lets see last weekend was pretty fun. Was out relatively late both Wednesday and Thursday night. Wednesday for a dinner with Redlands Alumni and other interns. It was fun, well once we finally found our group. Luckily I recognized someone who recognized someone else and so on. We eventually had dinner and it was nice to chat, learn more things about well the going ons here in D.C. as well as the past of the UoR. Then Thursday went with another intern to a job fair at the National Air and Space Museum. There were some interesting speakers and gathered info on abunch of government departments that I can look into later on. Since I really don't need to figure that all out quite yet. Although at this point I'm starting to look into law schools since I need to start preparing to apply when I get back from Rome. After those two exciting evenings I came home and crashed on Friday ate a nice and yummy dinner and watched two movies and went to bed. It was a very nice night. Then on Saturday I went with Rachel to Six Flags. It was lots of fun. Most of the lines werent to bad and we did all but one of the big rides. There was even one where you were laying down. So there were points that you only had the strap thing in between you and the ground. A bit creepy but also lots of fun. Sunday was pretty lazy. Went down to M street and watched while Rachel shopped. Then it was back to another week. It wasn't too bad. Nothing super exciting happened. I made myself meatloaf which I am very proud of. Went to a briefing. Did a bunch of work. Other than that it has been pretty basic. Which is not at all bad. Four weeks left and then I am home. Although it seems like it will go by quickly since I have big plans for two of the weekends at least. Well hope all is well with everyone...

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